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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali Kılay ARAZ
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali Kılay ARAZ

An academician with studies in the fields; Arabic Language and Literature, Arabic Teaching, Modern Algerian Literature (Story-Novel),
Consecutive translation, etc. 

An academician with studies in the fields;

Arabic Language and Literature, Arabic Teaching,

Modern Algerian Literature (Story-Novel), Consecutive translation, etc.

There is always something you can do and achieve, no matter how hard life looks. It just depends on you not giving up. (S. HAWKING)

An academician with studies in the fields;
Arabic Language and Literature, Arabic Teaching, Modern Algerian Literature (Story-Novel),
Consecutive translation, etc.


Mehmet Ali Kılay ARAZ (Associate Professor),
Bachelor's Degree; Ankara University, Faculty of Languages, History and Geography,
Department of Oriental Languages ​​and Literatures,
Department of Arabic Language and Literature (1999),
Master's degree; In the Department of Basic Islamic Sciences, Arabic Literature And Rhetoric (2003)
and Ph.D. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Arabic Language and Literature from Ankara University,
Social Sciences Institute. (2013)
After graduating from the related undergraduate program of Ankara University,
he worked as a teacher and administrator in many schools affiliated to Ministry of National Education (1999-2013).
From 2013 until 2014, he completed his doctoral studies at Afyon Kocatepe University.
From 2014 to 2018, he worked as a lecturer in Assist. Assoc. Dr.
Dr. Mehmet Ali Kılay ARAZ, who works as a faculty member, joined the Social Sciences University of Ankara in February 2018.
ARAZ, contributing to writing a large number of books in textbooks as a textbook in Ministry of National Education Publications,
has published articles in various scientific journals and presented papers in national and international symposiums.
He is married and has two children. He speaks Arabic, Persian and English.

Research Interests

Arabic Language and Literature, Linguistics, Arabic Teaching,
Modern Algerian Literature (Story-Novel), Consecutive Interpretation,
Literary and Technical Translation


Courses Taught


TIB 555 Arabic Advanced Grammar-1 (2018-2019 FALL) MASTER'S DEGREE

 TIB 557 Arabic Language and Rhetoric-1 (2018-2019 FALL) MASTER'S DEGREE

TIB 555 Arabic Advanced Grammar-2 (2018-2019 SPRING) MASTER'S DEGREE

 TIB 557 Arabic Language and Rhetoric-2 (2018-2019 SPRING) MASTER'S DEGREE


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