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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şevket ÖZCAN

He has studies on the Phenomenology of Religion and Methodology of History of Religions.

"Wisdom comes from knowing wisdom. Wisdom means knowing oneself."

Phenomenology of religion is his area of expertise.

He has studies on the value of human beings attributed by religions.

He researches on The Approaches and Methodologies of Phenomenology of Religions.

He examines Evangelical Christianity.

He studies the Perception of Islam in the History of Religion Literature.


Şevket Özcan (Doc. Dr) was born in Ankara (1982). He garaguated from Camlıdere Imam Hatip High School (1999) and Gazi University Corum Faculty of Theology (2003). He received his master (2013) and PhD (2016) degrees in the department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at Ankara University, Social Sciences Institute. He worked at various jobs at Ministry of National Education and Directorate of Religious Affairs (2003-2016). He carried out his academic studies at Kırıkkale University, Faculty of Islamic Studies (2016-2022). He has been to Germany, France, Portugal and Saudi Arabia with the purpose of education, research, meeting and work. He joined Social Sciences University of Ankara, Faculty of Islamic Studies, in February 2022.

Studying on the topics of Methodology of History of Religions and Phenomenology of Religion, Şevket ÖZCAN has books named “The Value of Human Beings Attributed by Religions: The Example of Judaism, Christianity and Islam”, “Understanding the Religious Experience: Ninian Smart and Phenomonology of Religion”, and “Evangelism‘s Benevolent Face, the Salvation Army Movement: A Dimensional Examination”. 

Research Interests

Phenomenology of Religion, Methodology of History of Religions, Evangelic Christianity, Islam in History of Religions

Courses Taught


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