With the development of technology in the modern world, new communication tools and applications have entered our lives and carried our connection with the world to different dimensions. Virtual reality and metaverse, which affect various areas of our lives, are the leading ones. It is not possible for these applications, which change our lifestyle and our connection with reality, not to affect the religious life, which is one of the most basic elements in human life. Therefore, with this symposium, it is aimed to discuss the possibilities of the metaverse in the religious life of individuals, the threats and problems it poses with the opportunities it provides, under certain topics related to metaverse and religion. The conference presentations can be done in Turkish, English and Arabic.
For symposium participation principles
For abstract and text submission; metaversevedin@asbu.edu.tr
Symposium Scientific Advisory Committee
Prof. Dr. Musa Kazım Arıcan
(Social Sciences University of Ankara)
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Çelik
(Member of the Science, Technology and Innovation Policies Council)
Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Karaman
(Member of the Council of Higher Educationi)
Prof. Dr. Ali Avcu
(Social Sciences University of Ankara)
Prof. Dr. Ali Osman Kurt
(Social Sciences University of Ankara)
Prof. Dr. Asım Yapıcı
(Social Sciences University of Ankara)
Prof. Dr. Bülent Kent
(Social Sciences University of Ankara)
Prof. Dr. Ejder Okumuş
(Social Sciences University of Ankara)
Prof. Dr. Emin Aşıkkutlu
(Trabzon University)
Prof. Dr. Enver Arpa
(Social Sciences University of Ankara)
Prof. Dr. Hayri Kaplan
(Social Sciences University of Ankara)
Prof. Dr. Israr Ahmed Khan
(Social Sciences University of Ankara)
Prof. Dr. İsmail Çakır
(Social Sciences University of Ankara)
Prof. Dr. Latif Tokat
(Social Sciences University of Ankara)
Prof. Dr. M. Hakan Türkçapar
(Social Sciences University of Ankara)
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Akif Kireçci
(Social Sciences University of Ankara)
Prof. Dr. Metin Özdemir
(Social Sciences University of Ankara)
Prof. Dr. Muhammet Özdemir
Prof. Dr. Mustafa Çevik
(Social Sciences University of Ankara)
Prof. Dr. Selçuk Coşkun
(Social Sciences University of Ankara)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Fayez Ahmad Hersh
(Social Sciences University of Ankara)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Dağ
(Bursa Uludag University)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Akif Akgül
(Hitit University)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hadiye Ünsal
(Social Sciences University of Ankara)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mahmut Samar
(Social Sciences University of Ankara)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Murat Karakaya
(Social Sciences University of Ankara)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şahban Yıldırımer
(Social Sciences University of Ankara)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şevket Özcan
(Social Sciences University of Ankara)
Assist. Prof. Ali Durdu
(Ankara Sosyal Bilimler Üniversitesi)
Assist. Prof. Dr. Fahrettin Horasan
(Kırıkkale University)
Assist. Prof. Dr. Hülya Özkan Rigiderakhshan
(Social Sciences University of Ankara)
Assist. Prof. Dr. Muhammet Çelik
(Social Sciences University of Ankara)
Assist. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Derviş Dereli
(Erciyes University)
Assist. Prof. Dr. Nevfel Boz
(Social Sciences University of Ankara)
Assist. Prof. Dr. Sevcan Öztürk
(Social Sciences University of Ankara)
Assist. Prof. Dr. Veysel Harun Şahin
(Sakarya University)
Assist. Prof. Dr. Zeynep Kaya
(Social Sciences University of Ankara)
Symposium Organizing Committee
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şuayip Seven (Head of Committee)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sakin Özışık
Assist. Prof. Dr. Aykut Alper Yılmaz
Res. Asst. Sümeyye Şehide Can
Res. Asst. Rabia Kocataş
Res. Asst. Meryem Yılmaz
Res. Asst. Recep Bayyiğit
Res. Asst. Burak Çıkıryel
Symposium Secretariat
Res. Asst. Sümeyye Şehide Can : +90 312 596 48 32
Res. Asst.. Rabia Kocataş : +90 312 596 44 44- 60 27