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“Are those who know and those who do not know ever equal?" (Az-Zumar - Verse 9)
Dr. Res. Asst. Burak ÇIKIRYEL
Akademik Personel



Burak Çıkıryel is a Dr. Research Assistant at the Social Sciences University of Ankara in the Department of Islamic Economics and Finance. He graduated from Uludağ University, Department of Economics, in 2013. He completed his Master in Islamic Finance from International Centre for Education in Islamic Finance (INCEIF) in 2017 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He completed his PhD at Sakarya Univesity, Department of Islamic Economics and Finance. He is the Co-Editor of the “Journal of Islamic Economics.” He has conducted numerous academic projects, publications, and conferences in the areas of his research interests, including macroeconomic policy, banking, and finance aspects under the domain of Islamic economics. While he is conducting research in the field of Islamic economics and finance, he also works voluntarily with many NGOs outside academia. Burak, who is also interested in the market conditions and financial centers of the countries, had the opportunity to see and examine the market conditions and financial centers of nearly thirty countries on-site. These experiences provided him with a broad perspective for his work in the field of Islamic economics and finance.




  • Book Editor, ÇIKIRYEL, B., AZRAK, T. (2023) "The Islamic Finance Industry: Issues and Challenges", London/İngiltere : Taylor and Francis Group (Routledge UK)
  • Book Chapter, ÇIKIRYEL, B. (2023) "Issues and Practical Solutions of Shariah Governance in Islamic Financial Institutions", Kitap: The Islamic Finance Industry: Issues and Challenges, London/İngiltere : Taylor and Francis Group (Routledge UK)
  • Article entitled “Impact of Brexit on Islamic Stock Markets Employing MGARCH-DCC and Wavelet Correlation Analysis” authored by Burak CIKIRYEL, Mücahit OZDEMIR and Hakan ASLAN published in International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, SSCI (2021).
  • Book chapter entitled as “Solutions to the Economic Problems Encountered during the Pandemic Period from the Perspective of Islamic Economics” in the book of “Islamic Law of Worship, Financial Transactions and Economics in the time of Pandemic” (2021).
  • Translation of book entitled “Financial Innovation and Engineering in Islamic Finance”, from English to Turkish (İslami Finansta Finansal İnovasyon ve Mühendislik, Albaraka Yayınları, 2019-2020).
  • Article entitled “Investor Portfolio Choice: Factor of Risk Elasticity” was presented in the “Islamic Finance, Risk-Sharing and Macroeconomic Stability: Issues and Challenges” conference organized by Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI)  and it was published as conference proceedings (2018).
  • Book chapter “The Role of Blockchain Technology in the Evolution of Money” in the book entitled “Cryptocurrencies” (2018).




  • Domestic Projects received from “Participation Banks Association of Turkey” on the title of “Books on Basic Concepts and Online Dictionary for Islamic Economics and Finance (English-Turkish/Turkish-English)” (Researcher, 2021)
  • Domestic Projects received from “Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK-1001)” on the title of “Islamic Law of Worship, Financial Transactions and Economics in the time of Pandemic” (Researcher - 2021).
  • International Projects granted from “The Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation of the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation (COMCEC)” on the title of “Improving Shariah Governance Framework in Islamic Finance" (Researcher - 2020).



Other Activities

  • Editor (Journal of Islamic Economics)
  • Asma Köprü International Student Association (Board Member) 
  • Ahi Hayat Business and Development Cooperative (Board Member) 
  • İslam İktisadı Araştırma ve Uygulama Derneği (İKSAR) (Board Member) 

Dr. Burak ÇIKIRYEL specializes in economics, finance, Islamic economics and Islamic finance.

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